Winter Survival Guide

Lauren here - It certainly feels like winter today! I’ve got my winter survival guide to get you through this grey, grey, grey winter.

  1. I love dried florals because they last for a super long time! This bouquet is especially cute.

  2. You can never have too many jackets here in Minnesota. The color of this one is stunning.

  3. Really anything embellished in pearls is adorable. And now, a beanie with pearls, yes please!

  4. My husband recently convinced me to purchase hue bulbs and I absolutely love them. You can change the color from your phone, turn lights on when you aren’t in the house, dim them—the possibilities are endless. Plus when you entertain you can get that lighting just right.

  5. I’m such a sucker for candles, especially pretty ones. This one smells amazing too.

  6. If you didn’t know, I am a vegetarian and have been for over 20 years. This cookbook is so good. There is an amazing thai curry recipe in here that everyone always thinks is from a thai restaurant when I make it. It’s that delicious.

  7. Humidifiers are a must here, and let’s be honest they are ugly! This one isn’t so bad and you can again control it from your phone. It even tells you when it’s low on water from your phone. How great is that?! Another awesome thing my husband found and I’m completely on board.

  8. Clearly I’ve got a thing for green right now. This sheepskin pillow is such a good color and it’s a great price point too.

  9. I don’t know about you, but my hands get so dry in the winter. This is my daily hand cream. It smells nice and really locks in the moisture.

  10. I really don’t care for snow boots. I know we’ve got to wear them, but I really prefer cute impractical boots instead! But hey there’s hope, maybe I have found my pair of snow boots that’s practical and cute.

  11. I think I use a sleeping mask every night in the winter. It’s essential if you have naturally dry skin. I stumbled upon this one and love it!

  12. I get super dark circles under my eyes. I know, I know it’s genetic, but I swear this stuff helps. I use it morning and night and have gradually noticed my circles lightening up a bit.

  13. These color block gloves are just so darn cute.

  14. How adorable is this blanket?! It’s a must.

  15. This lip scrubber is amazing. It fits on one or two fingers and you can wash it and reuse it.

  16. It’s no secret that I love nail polish. I mean how good is this color?! You can’t quite figure out what color it really is and it’s holographic. Win win!

  17. I’ve been entertaining a lot in our new house and couldn’t resist a new marble cutting board. Can’t wait until it arrives!

Hope this helps your winter blues.

xoxo Lauren

Heather Peterson