
The last couple of days, I have discovered my limits.

For example, apparently my limit for talking about design is 700 near-daily posts over the course of two and a half years.  That's right: this is post 700 and I am (temporarily) over it.  For ages I have marveled at the fact that I never tired of this subject, but I suppose I knew it would happen some day.  And here we are.  It's not just here, either.  I am spending less time on other people's blogs, too, and when a design mag shows up at my house, it doesn't get immediately devoured.

So I am going to talk about other things for a little while, okay?  Things like food and clothes and skin care.  You know, "lifestyle" stuff.  This makes good sense, because after three years of being intensely focused on my home and my new career in design work, I'm starting to re-focus my energies elsewhere.  Like on rebuilding my wardrobe.  The important stuff, really.

I'll probably continue on my recent schedule, too.  By which I mean, be slightly lazier and post less than daily.

Let me know if there's stuff you want to talk about.  I promised my two best girls friends a couple of posts about meal planning, oh, last August when our three families vacationed together and I planned the meals for the week.  (I'm good at it.)

Looking forward to expanding these horizons!

I Heart Embroidered Textiles


My work on Urban Compass