Feeling Ambitious

So, in addition to signing on to the pinterest challenge last week, I finally went ahead and researched and bought one of these.

Hand carved small wood textile block print stamp

That's right, a teeny tiny hand-carved block from India, for block printing.  From this etsy seller--she had the best supply of reasonably priced blocks with great designs that felt modern and not over the top Indian.

Any guesses what it's for?  I'll give you two hints: It's fo something in the girls' room, and I must be a masochist.

Although, Jenny at Little Green Notebook just posted about trying her hand at multiple-image block prints, inspired by sticker murals.  And she's planning to hand-carve her stamps with icons special to her family.

Perhaps I am not so ambitious after all!  I aspired to it, once.  I have lino blocks and cutters and ink somewhere in the basement, which I bought probably a decade ago in NY to make some throw pillows.  I moved them cross country (twice), but I have yet to use them.  Maybe I'll put them to use and make a second pattern to alternate with the one I bought.....

Unlikely.  But who knows!




Art You Can Make: Typography