Guest Post: Three Design Rule from The Design Pages

Let me just say, I am LOVING having these fabulous guest posters take over my space for a few days.  Do you know The Design Pages?  Well, I've got Carol here today.  Carol is a designer and blogger in Vancouver, B.C., and in addition to her excellent, self-deprecating sense of humor, I'm a fan of her DIY projects, which range from this charming striped dresser to make-your-own subway art, to her latest and greatest, a ball of twine light fixture.  I kid you not: check it out here.  Also, she has an astounding number of comments on most of her posts, so Love Your Spacers, please show her the love she has grown accustomed to, and comment away.  One of my original requests to by guests was to share design rules, inspired as I was by House Beautiful's recent "Design By Number" feature. I love that Carol took this piece of it to heart.

The Design Pages

I am so envious of you Heather while you're vacationing in NYC but happy to be asked to fill your boots at the same time:)

I love the idea of discussing how numbers affect design because we don't necessarily think about it but it exists in all our rooms.  Here's what I mean...

1/  One is powerful and it's important to think about that one special thing in each room.  Maybe it's art, a beautiful rug, a chandelier or a statement piece of pottery but it all starts with 1.

2/ Symmetry is all about the number 2.  Most traditional rooms incorporate the number 2 but more and more we see 2 in contemporary settings as well.

3/  Most of us know the rule of accessorizing with odd numbers.  It's more interesting than even numbers and 3 is easy on the wallet.  Most importantly, 3 is a manageable number for pulling it all together and that's really all that matters, isn't it?

Heather, I can't wait to see all your photos and tales from your vacay.  Thank you again for inviting me to be part of your fabulous blog:)

[Images 1-4, House Beautiful; 5-6, decorpad]

All right people, I'll be back tomorrow, though my post will be late since I get in late night and hit the ground running.  I'm having a fabulous trip, with many thanks to my guest posters!  Oh, and of course you're running out of time to enter my Shabby Apple giveaway.  Go here for the deets.



Gust Post: Three Design Rules from Modern 24/7